简介:When 4 American tourists - Sofia, Carl, Belle and Michael - go on a ghost tour, they get much more than they bargained for, when the ghosts of an evil Doctor and his last patient victim trap them in the old abandoned psychiatric ward.
简介:在一次欢好中,马歇尔(Michael Forest 饰)突发心肌梗塞死在了漂亮女人瑞贝卡(麦当娜 Madonna 饰)的床榻之上,之后,瑞贝卡被控谋杀。为了洗脱罪名,瑞贝卡雇佣了律师弗兰克(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰),对于雇主的清白,起初弗兰克也曾心生疑虑,可是瑞贝卡坚称自己无辜,她坚定的态度和甜美的肉体改变了弗兰克的想法。艾伦医生(Charles Hallahan 饰)的出现让瑞贝卡陷入了不利的境地,好在弗兰克据理力争,瑞贝卡终于获得了无罪判决。然而,故事并没有就此结束,庭审结束后,弗兰克发现瑞贝卡和艾伦之间有着非同一般的关系,而当艾伦得知弗兰克也曾获得过瑞贝卡的垂青之后则更加的愤怒。
简介:美国少妇瑞姬?蓝伯特(奥黛丽?赫本饰)在法国梅杰夫滑雪场偶遇一位自称皮特?乔舒亚(加里?格兰特 Gary Grant 饰)的男子。瑞姬返回巴黎,发现家中被洗劫一空,丈夫查尔斯遇害。瑞姬被美国使馆传召,结识了CIA特工汉密尔顿(华特?马修 Walter Matthau 饰),才发现原来查尔斯葬礼上出现的三名怪客是他二战时贪污黄金的同伴:泰克斯(詹姆士?柯本 James Coburn 饰),赫尔曼(乔治?肯尼迪 George Kennedy 饰)和利奥波德(奈德?格拉斯 Ned Glass 饰)。汉密尔顿要求瑞姬帮助政府寻找失踪的黄金,而三名怪客也对瑞姬紧追不放。危急时皮特突然现身救美。正当瑞姬陷入情网之际,三怪客纷纷遇害,矛头指向身份变幻莫测的皮特,瑞姬也陷入空前危机。加里?格兰特与奥黛丽?赫本因此片分获金球奖最佳男女主角提名。奥黛丽?赫本获英国电影...
简介:Unable to find inspiration for his newest piece, young author Liam (Daryl McCormack) takes on the titanic weight of tutoring the son of legendary writer J.M. Sinclair (Richard E. Grant) and his wife Hélène Sinclair (Julie Delpy). Reeling from the mysterious passing of their eldest son, the Sinclairs push Liam to work harder and invite him to stay on the estate grounds with them...
简介:When a tech blogger lands an interview with a tech guru and stops an attack on him, he finds a mysterious ring that takes him back 57 seconds into the past.
简介:People who are all by themselves. How empty and precarious are the lives of those who are hoovering without knowing each other behind the name of daily life? Director JUNG Bum-shik’s new feature film New Normal, released four years later GONJIAM: Haunted Asylum which is notoriously known as opening the new chapter of Korean horror films, tells an eerie and lonely story of those...
简介:In Meshal Aljaser’s exhilaratingly madcap thriller, a young woman stranded in the Arabian desert races to be home before curfew under the threat of extreme punishment from her scary strict father.
简介:影片改编自大卫·格兰所著畅销书《Killers of the Flower Moon:The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI》,聚焦1920年代的美国俄克拉何马州,“欧塞奇族印第安人谋杀案”(Osage Indian Mur ders)。当年欧塞奇族人因原居地发现油矿而获得持续巨额收入,有人为阻止上述安排而策划连环谋杀,4年间60人被杀,震惊全国。为此当年美国政府成立“调查局”(即FBI联邦调查局前身)跨部门调查,揭发维护欧塞奇族人权益的“欧塞奇监护人计划”原来极度腐败;最后即使在大量证据下,亦只有少数的谋杀案获得起诉。
简介:Sorn, an ethnic Shan sex worker, copes with his bitter reality in Chiang Mai, Thailand byimagining himself in his clients’ lives. He is drawn into a complex relationship with one client, a police officer investigating a political activist, even as he tries to build a future of his own as a refugee far from home.
简介:哈特饰一个虚构版本的自己:剧中他仍是演员,只能演主角的搞笑跟班,对此非常厌倦。而如今有人递来了梦中角色——某部影视的男一号、动作明星。但为胜任此角,他必须在全世界最好的动作演员训练中心进行学习。而他在那里的导师(特拉沃尔塔)是一个疯狂古怪的神经病,把他封闭起来仍在艰苦环境里,不停地挑战他的极限,各种夸张、让人害怕的动作戏训练来了。此外他还有对手——一个强硬、不惜一切想赢的学生。该剧灵感来自哈特2016年喜剧演出大电影《凯文·哈特:整点啥呢》的开场画面,由他的制作公司Laugh Out Loud Network打造。
简介:In the dark landscape of the Mississippi Delta, a bare knuckle cage fighter seeks to repay his debts in a final, desperate attempt to salvage the family home of his dying foster mother.